We are global acting technical textile business consulting, offering our dedicated networking knowledge and experience to the whole specialized industry professionals.
For every technical challenge there is a textile solution! TTBC has the experience and the motivation to find the right solutions for your marketing and business growth possibilities worldwide.
Our mission is to help businesses in the technical textiles and nonwoven sectors develop a deeper understanding of the market and provide relevant information that contributes to strategic thinking.
We want to be your trusted partner; help you make lasting improvements to your performance and realize your business goals.
Founded expertise –20 years along the application path, huge project business experience.
Syncing actions – Connecting the market needs with the players doing.
Performing customization – Increasing the added value and the service level of the offer
Diversified approach – A new inclusive concept of providing goods and services.
360° business Life cycle – Industrial technical textiles business full solution, from A till Z
Specialized network – Recognised quality membership in the industry
Redounding synergies – Interactive portfolio as extended offer
Professional and reliable – Partnership optimized for flexible and shared costs.
Wide open prospective – Global view and focused acting, addressing customer and client.